Region VII Disaster Health Response Ecosystem


… we will create strategies & identify resources to support and enhance healthcare coalition, state, and regional response plans. Our philosophy is to build ecosystems for regional disaster health system responses.

Our goals:

  • improve coordination and capabilities within the region

  • enhance situational awareness

  • provide novel system solutions for health system and community response

Our Ecosystem:

INCLUSIVE: Expand outside of HCW facilities to include pre-hospital, EMA, community citizens

INTERCONNECTED: Create knowledge-sharing platforms that expand the lines of communication

REDUNDANT: ​Develop tiered systems for healthcare surge that grow capacity and specialty care access

DYNAMIC: Evolve and align response plans to be situationally adaptive

SELF-SUSTAINING: Explore economic incentives in various sectors to develop public-private partnerships for preparedness investment



Recent Webinar

April 29th, 2024

Region 7 Special Pathogen Outbreak Report: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

This recent webinar’s objectives were to identify characteristics and origins of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1), to detail modes of transmission of HPAI H5N1, to discuss the current guidance for healthcare facilities and clinicians in reference to "Identify, Isolate, and Inform", and to understand where to access available resources, guidelines, and training materials to effectively manage and respond to HPAI H5N1 outbreaks.

Upcoming Webinar

May 14, 2024

R7DHRE Preparedness Webinar:
Caregiver Disaster Preparedness

Disasters can strike when we least expect or are prepared for them. One of the best ways to decrease the stress and uncertainty of a disaster is to be a prepared caregiver. The Rosalynn Carter Institute (RCI) understands that being a caregiver means that your preparedness plan will need to be tailored to the unique needs of both you and the person you care for. During this webinar, RCI will walk caregivers through what items should be in their emergency kit, key points in creating your disaster preparedness plan, and simple ways to navigate a disaster while caring for someone.

Upcoming Webinar

May 28, 2024

R7DHRE Preparedness Webinar:
Updates on the Opioid Pandemic

The opioid epidemic is a problem that has plagued healthcare and law enforcement officials for many years now. However, it is also an ever-shifting problem as new drugs and issues arise. Join us as Krysta Baack, PharmD, BCPS, BCEMP discusses key issues of the opioid epidemic and resources to help combat it.